August 2, 2024

Fear is: What If...?

Faith is: Even If...!

“The Faith” from one perspective is a set of propositions we hold as true or believe. We call it doctrine. But we also believe these doctrines “By Faith." We need both the content of truth and the confidence that it is true. 

We are discovering that we are living in a world that has abandoned the belief that there is truth and that there is a reason to believe we need truth. In this type of world, everything is relative and that which is pragmatic is that which is practiced and promoted.

Now, more than ever before, Christians in America need to know “The Content of Faith” so they can have the confidence to “Believe the Faith.”

We need to remember that we are to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude :3) 

We have “The Faith” and we are to be Faithful to hold to it. But we need to remember---

Faith is not the conviction that everything will turn out okay, but it is the confidence that everything is okay no matter how things turn out. 

Serving Him with you

Until He comes for us.
