October 29, 2021

There Comes a Time When...
As Robert Paxton said, "There comes a time that in order to save the nation’s deepest values you must disobey the state."

Many believe this time is closer than we think. But for those of us who name the name of Christ, we must make sure that we are seeking His kingdom and not our own. Living in a pluralistic nation that has lost its corporate cultural identity as to what it means to be an American, we are experiencing division and tribalism.

I find also that there is much mistrust and actual hate held by many people now. This did not used to be such a significant part of American culture. I must confess that at times I struggle with these feelings. I know this is not right and it is sin to harbor feelings of hatred, but sometimes the distinction between “hate the sin and love the sinner” is very difficult for me.

The foundational values and fundamental ethical principles of America were unquestionably and undoubtedly based upon a moral framework established by the Creator and understood by our founding fathers. They framed our constitution as a republic form of government that would only work, as they repeatedly stated, if the people were educated and followed a Christian worldview. It appears we are no longer either.

Will there come a time that in order to save the nation's deepest values we must disobey the state? Time will tell. 

Serving Him with you
until He comes for us,

October 15, 2021


Where there is discord may we bring harmony, where there is error may we bring truth, where there is doubt may we bring faith, and where there is despair may we bring hope.
~Saint Francis of Assisi~

It goes without saying that we are living in a world and a country that is experiencing abounding discord, astonishing error, astounding doubt, and an abundance of despair. What is happening to us is that we do not know what is happening to us. What is happening to us is that we are in a cosmic and spiritual war with the devil. (2 Cor. 4; I John 5; Eph. 6)

Do not miss the fact that Islam is a religion that seeks to destroy Jews and Christians if they will not submit to Allah. And mark it well, Allah is not the god of the Bible. Do not be fooled, atheism which is behind communism in all its forms is demonic to the core, for it is the worship of self which is what the devil desires. Do not be deceived, the devil is the great deceiver and the father of lies and is behind all of the lying and distortion through the doublespeak and word games that we see in the political world, all for personal power.

And then there is the Church of Jesus Christ. We are to be the pillar of truth, the salt and light to the world. We are to speak the truth in love with both conviction and courage. We are to be people who hold to a faith once delivered to the saints. We are to live out our convictions by faith, and we are to share our faith to a lost and dying world.

We are to have a faithful presence in a world of fallen and finite people. We are to be examples of how to live by faith and perhaps if the Lord wills it - to die by that faith.

Do you understand where you live?
Do you also understand that Jesus is building and will continue to build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail?

Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Serving Him with you
until He comes for us,

October 22, 2021


The Theology of Vaccines

Smallpox vaccine? Yes.  Polio vaccine? Yes.  COVID ??? Now that is and will be the great question of the decade. If you want to start a family fight or a church war, just give your opinion of the pros and cons of the COVID vaccine.

There has been much argument, angst, and anger over the nature of messenger RNA. Is it safe and the savior from the modern plague, or is it a potential silent killer? I do not know the answer to such questions and certainly do not intend to try. 

However, what I do know is that such complicated systems such as DNA and RNA and messenger RNA did not happen by accident. Just look at the pharmaceutical industry or listen to governmental officials explain the process of design and discovery.  Intricate and complex systems like these do not happen autonomously nor unintentionally. They are designed and have a Designer. 

Just like a vaccine does not happen from spontaneous combustion or from the endless cycles of time and chance, so also mankind did not simply appear based on endless time and multiple opportunities of chance. Time and chance are simply abstract descriptors, not sources of power. 

We were created by our Creator with intricate design far more elaborate than DNA and RNA, although God created both and included both to achieve the crowning glory of His creation. 
“In the beginning was God.” “And God said….”  “What is man that Thou art mindful of him…” “Even before my unformed substance was formed You knew me… I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

The design and creation of vaccines declare the glory of man’s achievement and accomplishments. The design and creation of man declare the glory of God.

Do not forget who He is.
Do not forget Whose you are.

Serving Him with you
until He comes for us,

October 8, 2021

If the truth is worth telling, it is worth making a fool of yourself to tell.
- Frederick Buechner -

Have you ever been called a fool for sharing the gospel or for your belief in Jesus? I hope you have because that means you are telling people about Jesus. I understand no one likes to be called or thought of as a fool. But it should not surprise us that that is what the world thinks of us. The apostle Paul reminds us that this has always been the case.

Consider for a moment that:
  • The word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing. 1 Cor 1:18
  • God has been pleased to preach the foolishness of the message of the cross to save those who will believe.   1 Cor 1:21
  • The preaching of Christ crucified is foolishness to the nations. 1 Cor 1:23
  • God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. 1 Cor 1:27 

Most of us would rather be praised than be called a fool. But then again, it all depends on who is doing the praising. If you are a fool for Christ in the eyes of people, always remember the observation of Tolkien; “The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards.”

Serving Him with you
until He comes for us,

October 1, 2021

Fear is a Reaction - Courage is a Decision
- Winston Churchill -

We are living in some frightening times. We are living in times of moral delusion, moral corruption, and a moral revolution. What else can you call what we see that seems all too similar to what the apostle Paul spoke of in Romans 1:18-32.

The end result as Paul describes it is that God gives men and women over to what they think they want; a world of self-absorption and extreme narcissism, a world of confusion and corruption, and a world where self is supreme!

The story of how and why America transformed spiritually, socially, and morally is beyond the scope of today’s offering of Friday with Fred. However, let me offer you a macro view of how it came about. The British theologian, Theo Hobson, provides insight as to the process of a moral revolution.  

A Moral revolution must include:
1.    What was condemned must now be celebrated.
2.    What was celebrated must now be condemned.
3.    Those who will not celebrate must now be

Another way of articulating his formula is:
1.    What was accepted is now rejected.
2.    What was rejected is now accepted.
3.    Those who do not accept what is now accepted must be rejected.

Ask yourself the question: Do these steps seem to explain what has happened in regard to:
  • The establishment of the “right” of abortion on demand due to the Roe V. Wade decision in 1973?
  • The rise of homosexual and lesbian activity and acceptability in both the greater culture and the church?
  • The emergence of transgenderism?
  • The endorsement of “critical theory” and “critical race theory?”

We cannot and must not accept that what God says is unacceptable. We cannot celebrate that which God abhors.
We must not allow fear to overcome our courage. Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

Serving Him with you
until He comes for us,