January 28, 2022

The Spiritual Law of Thermodynamics:
The Greater the Heat the Greater the Expansion

The Church of Jesus Christ will not be determined, deterred, or destroyed by a corrupt culture. Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail.

But that does not mean the devil will not try.
In 1958, Aldous Huxley foresaw a configuration of power that would contaminate and corrupt the will of the people. He predicted that “Under the relentless thrust of accelerating over-population and increasing over-organization, and by means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature.” His prescient prophetic voice proclaimed, “The quaint old forms—elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest—will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitarianism.”
It is to state the obvious that we are living in a culture that is a hostile host environment to the Church. Our natural world is overseen by the god of this world and the whole world lies in the lap of the evil one. But we are supernatural-oriented beings living in a natural world. The Spirit of God indwells us, illuminates truth to us, and has endowed us with spiritual gifts to work through us in the midst of a lost and dying world.

In 2005 the University of Texas trademarked the slogan “What Starts Here Changes the World.”
I imagine if Jesus had a slogan it would be: “What I Started Changed the World.” Perhaps better: “What Started with Me, and Now I in You, Will Change the world."
Serving Him with you
until He comes for us,

January 21, 2022

"The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present ...
A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise."
~The Prince by Machiavelli,1513 ~

Whether it is a prince, a politician, or a pontiff, promise-keeping is a thing of the past. The erosion of character and the evisceration of integrity is the primary plague in many leaders, both social and spiritual. This has to do with principles of morality and the practice of ethics. 
Christians are to operate by an ethic that is tied to our view of eschatology. We are to live today in light of tomorrow. We are to live with the end in mind. As believers in Jesus Christ each of us will one day appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ (The Bema Seat - 2 Cor 5:9-10, Rom 14:10) All non-believers will stand before the Great White Throne Judgment to discover the severity of their judgment in Hell. (Rev 20:11) All believers will stand before the Bema Seat to discover their reward for their faithful service to King Jesus.

In light of this reality Christians are to follow the command of the Apostle Peter as he exhorts his first-century audience and us as well; “And if you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each man’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay upon earth…” (I Peter 1:17)

Our view of eschatology and the future must impact our ethics for today. We must live today in light of tomorrow. And always remember; the promise of Jesus will never be broken. (Matt 5:18)

Serving Him with you
until He comes for us,

January 14, 2022

The Darkness is Right
for the Church to Become a Beacon
-Keith Plummer-

To observe that moral and spiritual darkness is encroaching over our society is to state the obvious. Corruption has invaded every quadrant of our culture. No sector of our society is untouched or immune. This darkness and its deception have created a distrust of governmental authority, civic leadership, and divided many families and friends…even Christians.

However, we the Church of Jesus Christ are of the Light.
  • God is light.
  • Jesus is the true light.
  • Jesus is the light of the world.
  • Jesus has come to enlighten every man.
  • Christians are to walk in the light.

Light is to expose darkness, expel evil, and explain truth. It has been said that people lose their way when they lose their why

We the Church of Jesus Christ know and we must show people both the way and the why of life.

Do not forget that the early church was called “The way.”

Serving Him with you
until He comes for us,

January 7, 2022

A New Year…A New Chance to Excel
A new year means a new opportunity to seize the days. I often ask myself, “Self, how do you view the upcoming year? How will your calendar and clock reflect your compass as they guide your investment of the next 365 days?” That is a question that impacts my leadership and management of my life, and yours too. It all has to do with vision and perspective.

Listen to the Apostle Paul’s perspective.
“Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.  In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards, that one be found trustworthy. But to me it is a very small thing that I should be examined by you, or by any human court; in fact, I do not even examine myself. I am conscious of nothing against myself, yet am I not by this acquitted; but the one who examines me is the Lord. Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who both will bring to light things hidden in the darkness, and disclose the motives of men’s hearts; and then each man’s praise will come to him from God.” I Cor 4:1-5

This year I want to see myself as a servant of Christ and a steward of the mysteries of God. I know I am not an apostle, but I am a teacher and a tutor who trains others with the Word of God. I am also one who preaches and proclaims the prophetic scripture in the midst of a lost and dying world.

This year how do you want to see yourself used by Him in this lost and dying world?

This year I desire for myself, and for you as well, to live each day knowing that one day we will stand before the Lord Jesus, and He will judge our life and service to Him.

This year let’s desire to keep our vision clear and hold our focus firm on that which is truly significant. 

As Goethe said: “Things that matter least must never come about at the expense of things that matter most.” Let’s live today with an eternal perspective because right now counts forever.

Serving Him with you
until He comes for us,