July 26, 2024

"God’s invisible presence is a supernatural fact,

not a figure of speech."

-Dave Roper-

In our present American culture, we have many reasons to be less than trusting.

Our Secret Service leadership is not to be trusted to protect our political leaders. Our President of the United States confirms what has been suspected by most and known by many concerning his inability to lead and protect our country due to cognitive decline. Our media is anything but objective and unbiased by providing biased political cover. Our courts have allowed anarchists and insurrectionists, aka “Antifa,” to run free with no charges while putting peaceful protesters in jail without due process. Unelected technocrats rule and ruin people's lives.

"Corruptisimma re publica plurimae leges” Latin for “When the state is corrupt, the laws are numerous.”

Our agencies of justice; the FBI, DOJ, IRS and DEA are guided by DEI, (diversity, equity and inclusion). All of this is done by a government that no longer fears God because it is not sure there is a god to fear.

Let the word of God remind you of what is actual and factual. Please read Psalm 2:1-12.

Living in and looking at today’s world, we are in danger of reflective skepticism more than reflecting faith. But as we gaze upon the prophetic word of God, we understand that God is in control…no need to worry.

What is the church to do today? What the church has always done in any day.

  • Make Disciples
  • Manifest Christ.
  • Magnify the Lord
  • Maintain a Faithful Presence 

As Joe Aldrich reminds us; "We are to present the music of the gospel through our lives and the message of the gospel through our lips."

Serving Him with you

Until He comes for us.
