July 26, 2024

"God’s invisible presence is a supernatural fact,

not a figure of speech."

-Dave Roper-

In our present American culture, we have many reasons to be less than trusting.

Our Secret Service leadership is not to be trusted to protect our political leaders. Our President of the United States confirms what has been suspected by most and known by many concerning his inability to lead and protect our country due to cognitive decline. Our media is anything but objective and unbiased by providing biased political cover. Our courts have allowed anarchists and insurrectionists, aka “Antifa,” to run free with no charges while putting peaceful protesters in jail without due process. Unelected technocrats rule and ruin people's lives.

"Corruptisimma re publica plurimae leges” Latin for “When the state is corrupt, the laws are numerous.”

Our agencies of justice; the FBI, DOJ, IRS and DEA are guided by DEI, (diversity, equity and inclusion). All of this is done by a government that no longer fears God because it is not sure there is a god to fear.

Let the word of God remind you of what is actual and factual. Please read Psalm 2:1-12.

Living in and looking at today’s world, we are in danger of reflective skepticism more than reflecting faith. But as we gaze upon the prophetic word of God, we understand that God is in control…no need to worry.

What is the church to do today? What the church has always done in any day.

  • Make Disciples
  • Manifest Christ.
  • Magnify the Lord
  • Maintain a Faithful Presence 

As Joe Aldrich reminds us; "We are to present the music of the gospel through our lives and the message of the gospel through our lips."

Serving Him with you

Until He comes for us.


July 19, 2024

"A classic is a book that has never finished saying what it has to say."

-Italo Calvino-

The Bible is truly a classic and has never finished what it has to say. The truths of the Bible are timeless and go beyond time in expressing and explaining eternity. This is true because the Bible is actual and accurate revelation from God. (2 Peter 1:20) It is inspired and therefore infallible in all it declares. (2 Tim 3:16)

If you believe what I have just declared, you have all that is needed for life and godliness. (2Peter1:3) You have what is needed to live a life of wisdom, and wisdom has the advantage of giving success. (Ecclesiastes 10:10)

Last words are lasting words. The Bible has the first and last word and will show us how we should live today in light of tomorrow. Are we living inside the borders of time or beyond the boundaries of eternity?

“This book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book.”  Merrill Tenney

Serving Him with you

Until He comes for us.


July 12, 2024

"Be Still and Know that I am God"

Psalm 46:10

Let me be perfectly clear - I am not a Luddite. I am not against technology. It is true that I do not have a Twitter account, nor do I know how to use Snapchat. However, I do text.

My concern is not with technology and its integration ability and the speed at which it is able to operate. I am not even concerned that I say “thank you” to Alexa and Siri when they give me an answer to my questions.

However, I am concerned that the technology, which is to serve as a tool, can become an idol we worship. I am concerned that the overuse of, and dependence on technology, which is meant to add to us, is actually subtracting from us the ability to reflect.

I wonder if this is even more true concerning spiritual truths. There is something to be said for the ability to read slowly and ponder deeply. It seems to me that deepening our spirituality depends upon demanding the time to think and developing the habit of thought.

Let me encourage you right now to open your Bible or your phone app to Psalm 1 and invest a brief time reading and reflecting on these six short verses of divine wisdom.

"Be still and know that I am God."

Serving Him with you

Until He comes for us.


July 5, 2024

"If your cause is just, if your principles are pure, and if your conduct is prudent, you need not fear the multitude

of opposing hosts." 

~Reverend John Witherspoon~

The only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence, Witherspoon realized that the end does not justify the means. How we do things is as essential as why we do things, not to mention the things we do.

The church has always declared its independence from the world. Although we live in the world we are not to be of the world. (I John 2:15, Romans 12:1-2) Our allegiance is to our Sovereign King. His name is Jesus.

We are living in a time when it is increasingly difficult to determine what and how to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and render unto God that which is God’s. 

Secular interference influences spiritual independence. Keeping our principles pure and our conduct prudent is often a challenge as we live our lives in enemy territory. It is easy to become confused.

This is why in these turbulent times we must demand the time to think and develop the habit of thought.

Remember the frog in the kettle?


Serving Him with you

Until He comes for us.
