Last week, Democrats on the Fairfax County board of supervisors voted to designate Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day. The proclamation goes far beyond the supposed intent of making transgender people and gender ideology activists feel seen. Members of the board are also sending a message to Christians that they do not matter as they turn one of their holiest days into a celebration of an ideology that undermines the church’s core convictions.
Black Friday is a good description of how Christians might feel living in America today. We are tempted to become misdirected, lose focus, and lose hope.
Jesus planted the only durable rumor of hope amid widespread despair and doubt in a hopeless world. We must be reminded this day and every day that “every morning is Easter morning from now on.”
As Roger Lundin reminds us in his book, Believing Again, “The Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday stretches between the certainty of sorrow and the hope of deliverance, between the full exposure of human cruelty and the full disclosure of God’s glory. And so, in the end we live not in the darkened shadow of Good Friday but on ground that has been illuminated by the dawn of Easter Sunday.”
“Tomb thou shalt not hold Him longer Death is strong, but life is stronger Stronger than the dark with the light Stronger than wrong with the right Faith and hope triumphant say Christ will rise on Easter day." ~Phillip Brooks~
Never forget the final declaration of Jesus from the Cross - It is Finished! (John 19:30)
Serving Him with you Until He comes for us. Fred |