Three score and ten years ago yesterday, it happened. The Big One---Seventy, 70, LXX. I am now a septuagenarian! What I have now discovered at a practical level is that I have less hair to comb, and it takes more time to comb it. Retirement, rest, and retreat are not part of my operational vocabulary. I plan on working hard at work that is worth doing. However, at 70 I have reason of late to think anew about my strategy and tactics as I invest the final phase of my life and stewardship to the Lord. As Goethe observed, “Things that matter least must never come about at the expense of things that matter most.”
The thing that matters most is getting to know Jesus. This has been my consuming passion for 53 years. As scripture describes it, I want to know Him and the power of His resurrection. I want to be conformed to the image of Christ. I want to abide in Him. I want to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I want to live and to live well. I am not sure how many years I have left, but I am sure that I want to count the days and make the days count!
Serving Him with you, until He comes for us.