You Say the Days are Evil???
When has that never not been true? The cultural morass is staggering, and the moral cleavage is shattering. The brazen fabrications of the media with their ever increasing clout creates an atmosphere where we breathe in insecurity and exhale doubt. We have spent our time adding knowledge to our memory but failed to convert knowledge into morality. The result is as Voltaire reminds us; Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. The “fact” that the constitution “guarantees the right to women to have an abortion” comes to mind as an example of an absurdity leading to atrocities.
I have been reading the Book of Lamentations. It helps you correct your perspective about a lot of things. It divulges the terrible consequences of a nation who spurns the moral direction of the Lord. It also discloses the provision of mercy and the promise of grace.
I have also been reading the Book of Habakkuk. Talk about a moral question! It is the Moral Question of all time - the problem of evil.
The sacred scripture does not sugarcoat the realities of our experiences as we exist in a sin-cursed world. The word of God is always relevant because it speaks to and answers the eternal questions of today or any day.
As Saint Augustine boldly declared, “You say the times are evil? Live nobly and you will change the times.” Or at least how you view them.
Serving Him with you
Until He comes for us,