“We want the universe to hold our hand without bossing us around.” |
Talk about a confused mind and a conflated world view. America, having been established on the foundation of a Christian world view, we now seek to exist as if God does not. Our current culture wants the dignity and nobility given to us by God and acknowledged by the Constitution but eviscerated and erased of all its moral force and fiber as we demand total personal autonomy and complete authority in our daily lives. Many of the social moral metrics are continuing to change and reveal disturbing trends. For the first time, a majority of Americans favor abortion. More Americans and Christians favor the LGBTQ++ agenda with all of its moral perversion in the name of autonomy and love. The evangelical church has declined and defections from the faith have increased… even by pastors and “Christian leaders.” Many of our political leaders, including both the president and Vice president as well as the speaker of the house demonstrate their duplicity, if not idiocy, by claiming their religious faith is not in opposition to favoring and allowing abortion. (Even the liberal pope of the Roman Catholic Church would have difficulty with this...but evidently not too much.) Today, moral accountability and ethical responsibility are out of style. Unfortunately, many Christians are somewhat ignorant of what is happening. And that is what is happening, not knowing what is happening. This type of ignorance allows them to be manipulated by forces that mold and make public opinion. Others may know but feel they are in the minority, so they self sensor resulting in a spiral of silence. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We as a country used to know and believe this was true. But when people no longer believe God is, then there is no reason to behave like He is. And so, they don’t. The vestige of much of Christianity has mutated into secular civil religion and as such, “We want the universe to hold our hand, but we do not want it to boss us around.” As Bob Dylan reminds us- "You got to serve somebody." As God reminds us- "Choose this day whom you will serve." Joshua 24:14-15 Serving Him with you until He comes for us, Fred |