History offers no promise of an answer or a happy ending…there is not even a promise of a happy beginning. -Dominic Green- |
The modern progressive movement seems to be either ignorant of history or has chosen to rewrite it in a way that fits their ideology. The “1619 Project” is simply a modern version of the Fabian Society, both seeking to rewrite history and advance a socialist agenda much of which finds itself incarnated today in the likes of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and AOC. The socialist impulse that is often errantly and erroneously connected to the biblical concept of love converted to social justice theory has been in American political circles for many years. This modern expression has all the markings of former spasms of social unrest including a canceling culture that seeks to cancel people and diverse opinions on university campuses and now in the halls of federal government and the board rooms of big tech, state agencies, and Attorneys General. Protesters along with hired hoodlums bring violence and intimidation to city streets and to the streets of Supreme Court Justices. Anarchy is the result, and fear and domestic terrorism are its tools. Whether it was the Brown Shirts of Hitler, the thugs of Stalin or the modern police state of Mao and now Xi, mental or physical tyranny and spiritual and social destruction are the desired result. It seems that Cicero was right; “Not to know what happened before you were born, is to be a child forever.” As Lord Acton reminds us, “The story of the future is written in the past.” Is this true? It might seem so if we look back to the Garden of Eden and see the temptation and rebellion and the future destruction of man for the simple and seminal reason- They did not trust God’s goodness or His word. Fast forward to the ancient Nation of Israel. They too had the word of God through prophets and priests and determined that God and His word were not to be trusted. In the recent past, church history is filled with illustrations of corruption of the church and collusion with the culture. And even today, the reports of moral failure in a wide variety of formations seem to be broadcasted daily. (I think the “Queering the Bible Project” and the “Queer Hymnal” justify a description of depraved minds inside the church.) Mark it well -- rejection of God’s word leads to rebellion in man’s ways. What is wrong with this picture and why does evil seem to be so present and prevalent? Perhaps the word of God has it right concerning the true picture of the problem of man. “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is death.” “Everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” “And God gave them over to a depraved mind.” Is it possible that Dominic Green is correct when he says, “History offers no promise of an answer or a happy ending… There is not even a promise of a happy beginning.” No! He is absolutely incorrect! The plan of creation and communion with the Lord will not be thwarted for God’s creation and His prophetic plan will not be prevented. He patiently awaits the day (God desires all to come to repentance) and the time when His millennial kingdom will come (Rev 20) followed by the establishment of His Eternal Kingdom (Rev. 21-22). In that day and at that time the proclamation of the Apostle Paul will be true, “And God will be all in all. (I Cor. 15:28) Eden will come and cover the earth and the prayer of Jesus, “…Your kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt 6:10) will come true. Until that time and until that day the words of Admiral Chester Nimitz may help; "God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless.” It only looks hopeless now. But if we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, we will then understand that Jesus is truly “our hope and the anchor of our soul.” Serving Him with you until He comes for us, Fred |