August 28, 2020
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. -James Baldwin- |
Sociologically, we must face the fact that Racism is masquerading as Anti-Racism. Politically, we must face the fact that both sides of the political aisle seek power, position, prestige and privilege. They rarely know how to use it. Morally, we must face the fact that man is a glorious ruin made in the image of God. Therefore, he has immense value, but is corrupt and able to act terribly wicked. Spiritually, we must face the fact that the power of the church is in the Lord Jesus, not social justice programs. Perhaps this is why Paul taught the church to pay attention to its spiritual life and conforming to Christ, and did not instruct the church to rebel against the Roman government’s position on slavery, abortion or homosexuality. Theologically, we must face the fact that this is not the kingdom of God nor are we likely to bring it in. We await the King to come to rule and to reign. Personally, we must face the fact that we need to do as Jesus instructed: Live in this world and be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Serving Him with you Until He comes for us, Fred Chay |