August 21, 2020
We will advance the cause of Christian civilization or revert to the horrors of brutal paganism. The choice between the two is upon us. ~ Theodore Roosevelt ~ |
This may sound extremist, but perhaps not when you consider the thought that ideas have consequences. The choices these days in the political world are inevitably connected to the theological world. Together they will result in a sociological transformation of our country. Consider if you will, the consequences of the idea of removing all limitations for abortion on demand. Consider the consequences of the idea that it is OK to kill babies after they have been born if they fail to pass certain genetic testing markers. (This is not a new idea, for it was articulated by Francis Crick, co- founder of the DNA double helix many years ago.) Consider the consequences of the idea of unrestricted immigration, and governmental provision of health care, education, and all social services provided at no cost to the recipient. Consider the consequences of the idea of releasing from prison tens of thousands of criminals who were legally adjudicated and found guilty of both felony and misdemeanor crimes, often involving physical harm or death to citizens. Consider the consequences of the idea of defunding police and replacing them with “community policing." Consider the consequences of the idea that men and women were not created, let alone have they evolved as men and women. They are but physical material – DNA, which can be either male, female, or a third other, depending on whatever they desire to be at the moment. All of these ideas have devastating consequences to a society. This type of society is based on brutal paganism that demands the very idea of God be absent in any formal or functional manner. Destroying statues of the past that are offensive to a certain group of people is only the beginning, which will end in the destruction of all statues, paintings, and sculpture, as well as literature that articulates any governmental or religious authority deemed unacceptable to the mob. Robert E. Lee and Christopher Columbus now, but Jesus' turn is coming soon. The Prophet Jeremiah reminds us that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. The Apostle Paul in Romans 1 described what happens to the human heart when the hand of God is removed. It is currently the political season where we will view politicians from both parties using virtual platforms for a different style of convention format due to COVID. But the actual political platforms of the politicians could not be farther apart concerning their sociological and political impact. "The choice between the two is upon us." Choose well…Choose wisely. Serving Him with you Until He comes for us, Fred Chay |