For Such A Time As This
I’ve been reading the book of Jeremiah. It is not very encouraging, but extremely realistic…
Israel for many years has been engaged in materialistic idolatry and marital infidelity. She’s been engaged in a willful rebellion against the Lord and His law. The Lord sends Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, a bearer of words of both destruction and delight. The destruction comes in the form of foreign captivity, if they will not remember the goodness of the Lord and repent of the wickedness of their deeds. Unfortunately, Israel rejects God’s prophet and His word and in so doing has opened itself up for judgment that will come in the form of the wicked Babylonians under the leadership of Nebuchadnezzar. Egypt will also play a role, and the result will be destruction of the city of Jerusalem and the devastation of its people.
When God’s people fail to obey God’s word the results are ruinous.
Today in America, Christendom is made up of a variety of sectors. The liberal church in America basically follows Deistic Therapeutic Moralism. These are people who have a great concern for “humanity” but little understanding of God. They are nice and often times moral, but not extremely biblical in issues such as salvation, homosexuality, transgender, and abortion. The Liberal Evangelical sector of Christendom (yes, you heard me - Liberal Evangelical) is more conservative and desires to obey the Bible. Unfortunately, many of the younger Evangelicals have bought into the idea of socialist social justice with a slight blend of Liberation Theology. The results are devastating. The Conservative Evangelical sector desires to obey the word of God, but at times does not know how that is to be accomplished in a realistic and effective way in a pluralistic society.
If one were to evaluate “the effectiveness of the church” on American society and culture they would find it checkered and convoluted at best. Coming off of decades of the ‘Jesus Movement’ in the 70’s and 80’s, and the ‘Year of the Evangelical’ with such noted heroes as Billy Graham, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and Phyllis Schlafly; our culture has made homosexuality, not to mention transgender issues (as if that is even a real biblical category), normalized. Sanctity of life issues on either end of the spectrum have only marginally been curtailed. The impact of the church in our political life is laughable. Even “The Supremes”- a political body if ever there was one - never fail to cause one to wonder what is going on inside of some of those great minds.
Today, we do not have real biblical prophets and certainly none like Jeremiah. However, we do have the inspired, infallible, and inerrant word of God, both Old and New Testaments. The New Testament reminds us of our vision, our mission, our Lord, and where our loyalty is to be placed.
Today, we have the likes of Putin and Xi or Maduro of Venezuela and Castro of Cuba and of course, the supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei - all of which desire nothing more than the utter economic & political destruction of our country. Will these leaders be used by the hand of God to bring judgment upon America?
As I have said before, I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I do know that at such a time as this the Lord desires us to seek His word and seek His face in prayer.
Serving Him with you
Until He comes for us,
Fred Chay