The Men of Issachar Understood the Times
and Knew What to Do
We are living in the land of the liar. We can call it fake news, false narratives, fictitious stories, fabricated statistics, forged testimony, and phony journalism, but at the end of the day it is deception.
At the moment, we the people are being deceived and distracted by distortion and we are being extorted. Our history and way of life is being extracted from us by thugs and thieves. Some live in the streets some live in the halls of government. But mark it well, their intent is to destroy America the idea and America as a way of life. I understand that America is not perfect now and never has been and never will be. But to those who do not like it here; stop breaking our laws and move to another country!
The real danger for America is with the Church, the pillar of truth and the moral foundation of our country. The civil and social lockdown has meant a spiritual and corporate lockout for the church to gather.
I am not a prophet or the son of a prophet, but I do know that many ideologies, including both Fascism and Communism, have the same demonic leader and play off the same playbook. I also know that a one-world global government or despotic leader will lead to “the graveyard of freedom.”
It has been said; knowing tomorrow’s strategy requires knowing tomorrow’s battlefield. The battle is for the mind both today and tomorrow and the tactics are four-fold:
These 4 tactics have been engaged in by university educators and communist dictators to form communist countries in order to create culture and regime change, “To Fundamentally Transform a Nation.” These tactics were also endorsed and employed by Saul Alinsky to train and make community organizers famous and to take over high ranking governmental leadership posts. (“Hillary Clinton, while at Wellesley, completed her senior thesis about Alinsky and his organizational model. Michelle Obama and Barack Obama were introduced to Alinsky by Valerie Jarrett, who was involved with Alinsky and his ideas and methods. Obama was intimately familiar with Alinsky and his model of Community Organizers.” Dr. Hal Morris)
So what does all of this social-political commentary have to do with the church?
As Dick Halverson, former Chaplin to the United Sates Senate, reminds us;
"In the beginning the church was a fellowship of men and women centered on living for Christ. Then the church moved to Greece, where it became a philosophy. Then it moved to Rome and became an institution. Next it moved to Europe where it became a culture. And finally, it moved to America where it became an enterprise."
The church is not dependent on environment but on relationship. Of utmost importance is our relationship with Jesus, and then our relationship with one another. I hope we are maintaining both.
Serving Him with you
Until He comes for us,
Fred Chay