February 21, 2025

Freezing but Focused

As I write this, it is 14 degrees in Dallas. That might seem cold to most of us. However, I am flying to Wisconsin this week to speak at a leadership conference and then preach at a church on Sunday and the weather there is a balmy 10 degrees below zero! As they say, all cold is not the same kind of cold. This type of cold can rip your face off if you are not careful. I have made plans in my packing to bring many of the clothes that I never wear in Dallas. I will do what I can to stay warm in a hostile environment.

The Apostle Paul reminds us that we are to make plans to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh (Romans 13:14). He also exhorts us to walk in/by the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. (Galatians 5:16 )

It is easy to forget that we live in a hostile world in which:

  • Our external foe is the world
  • Our internal foe is the flesh
  • Our infernal foe is the devil

As C.S. Lewis said; Every square inch of the universe is claimed by God and counter-claimed by Satan.

"How shall we then live?" asked Francis Schaeffer. By consciously and consistently putting on the Lord Jesus Christ and making no provision for the flesh. We do this as we choose to walk by the Holy Spirit. This mentality is exemplified in Psalm 119:9-11. 

How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Thy word. With all my heart I have sought Thee; Do not let me wander from Thy commandments. Thy word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against Thee.

To answer Schaeffer's question with a question...

“What would Jesus do?”


Serving Him with you

Until He comes for us.
