It appears that many Christians are living in a delusional world. They have constructed their view of the world - a worldview - which is partially biblical but potentially worldly. The problem has to do with truth.
As Os Guinness reminds us. “…a climate has been created in which flagrant nonsense or complete error can be believed, and incontrovertible truth, in turn can be disbelieved—without the question of their being objectively true or false being raised at all. In short, we have created a climate in which a thing’s seeming to be true is often mistaken for its being true.” Sounds like it must be a political season!!!!!
The church is to be the pillar of truth, the salt and light of a society. We can only do and be that if we do what Jesus said. We must build our house upon the rock and not on the sand.
Instead, we often begin with a dollop of the Bible, season it with American pragmatism, add a pinch of civic religion, and a spoonful of mysticism, top it off with a donation to a charity, and lightly dusted with a smile. Bake for a generation and we have a scrumptious, syncretistic, societally acceptable meal that appears to go down easy, but it's not very nourishing and it may leave a sour taste.
We must always remember Madeleine L’Engle, “Truth is eternal, knowledge is changeable.” It is disastrous to confuse them.
Jesus reminds us “Thy word is truth.” (John 17)
Serving Him with you Until He comes for us. Fred |