May 3, 2024

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."

~William Arthur Ward~

I have always viewed life with a heightened sense of reality. I am a realist. This opens me up to the charge of being a conspiracy theorist. But it seems that many “conspiracy theorists” can now be called clairvoyant given the preponderance of evidence of the cultural elites’ liberal agenda. The government really does lie to and spy on the people it is to serve. The media really does deceive with its propaganda. The academic world truly does not believe in truth. 


The Christian is living in a corrupt and corrosive culture that seeks to eradicate Christ. Our society is seeking to eliminate the sacred and replace it with the secular. There is no more moral shame except when Christians declare that there truly are morals. Ours is a culture that seeks to take God away, remove him/her/it from the equation or existence. The “cancel culture” wants to cancel Christ.


The Irish dramatist, Lady Gregory, expressed it well.

You have taken the east from me; you have taken the west from me;

you have taken what is before me and what is behind me;

you have taken the moon, you have taken the sun from me;

and my fear is great that you have taken God from me!

The world is trying to take God from you. Do not let them. The culture wants to cancel Christ from the schoolroom and the boardroom, and from the ranks of both military and government. They wish to dismantle your morals and mores so that you affirm what God denies. 


Know what you believe.

Know why you believe it.

Know what you do not believe.

Know why you do not believe it.

Be ready to give a defense of the hope that is in you! (I Peter 3:15)

Serving Him with you

Until He comes for us.
