May 17, 2024

Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing.

-William Arthur Ward-

This sounds like a good description of a disciple of Jesus. We must study the word of God tirelessly. We must work diligently, prepare wisely, and dream biblically of the coming of the kingdom of God.

This is difficult for Christians who live in America because we have so many distractions and options that clamor for our time and seek to claim our allegiance. Unfortunately, Amy Carmichael is right, “Satan is much more in earnest than we are—he buys up the opportunity while we are wondering how much it will cost.”

The Lord Jesus provided for us a present reminder of a future reality to help us keep our bearings and balance as we live in uncharted waters and unmapped territory. It is called the Bema Seat - the Judgment Seat of Christ. Every Christian will give an account for the life they lived. This is not to adjudicate if a person is a Christian, but to evaluate the life a Christian lived.

I ask you to consider, 2 Corinthians 5:9-10 and Romans 14:10. Now, read I Corinthians 3-4, 9:27, and I Peter 1:17. This scripture is serious about the importance of the investment of our lives.

Since it is true, then remember as Goethe reminds us: "Things that matter least must never come about at the expense of things that matter most."

Jesus said it well as He always did:

"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?"


Serving Him with you

Until He comes for us.
