As a new seminary professor in 1988, I read a book that shocked me and left me stupefied. It was written by a Jewish, homosexual, academic elite, Allan Bloom. The book was: The Closing of the American Mind. It was perceptive, prescient, and prophetic as to what would and what did happen to American Higher Education and hence, the American mind. No longer do students read the classics of Western Civilization for that is simply racism, theories of colonization, and sexual restrictionism. Do you hear Critical Theory and Intersectionality?
Fast forward 30 years. In 2018 Greg Lukianoff wrote The Coddling of the American Mind which explained how the prophetic promise of Allan Bloom transpired. Descriptors of students as “snowflakes” and schools that must be "a safe place” describe the American student and the desired environment in higher education. That kind of environment creates lazy thinking and dangerous actions, for there is no challenge of the mind and no merit in hard work.
Now, five years later in 2023, the same author has presented for our entertainment and evaluation, The Canceling of the American Mind. He explains how institutional leaders have complete control, and have become well paid cowards of convictions.
However, a good sign that there is some, albeit little, sanity in higher education is the recent call for the firing of major Ivy League university presidents due to evidence of lying and plagiarism. The rejection of the presidents’ reflex reactions to claims of racism is also a good sign.
What should Christians do in a nation that still allows us some freedom? 1. Teach your children and grandchildren well. 2. Pray for our government: local, state, and federal. 3. Challenge the process of liberal progressivism by voicing dissent and voting for classical education.
As an older seminary professor for over 30 years, I have seen the result of the Closing, Coddling, and Canceling of the American Mind. The result is that pastors and ministry leaders are less academically prepared to teach the word of God. There is no premium on stupidity in the Christian life nor for Christian leaders.
We must all demand the time to think and develop the habit of thought.
Serving Him with you Until He comes for us. Fred |