Januaary 5, 2024

Wrong does not cease to be wrong even if the majority believe it.

Tolstoy -

America is like a cut flower. It is cut off from the nourishment it needs. It is withering and is in the process of dying - and it does not seem to be aware of this tragic truth. The simple reason is that we have been dismantled and detached from that which made America great: The Christian faith.

I am aware that not all of the founders were Christians, and that America is not a theocratic kingdom. But there is no denying the unique creation of this Republic was based upon a Christian ethics system that provided for law and order and even goodness that led to its greatness.

The wave of antisemitism, the upsurge of sexual perversion, the rise of gender confusion, the escalation of abortion on demand, and the outright lying and deception by our “leaders” causes one to wonder in disbelief. As Jacob Burckhardt said about ancient Rome: “We can never cut ourselves off from antiquity unless we intend to revert to barbarism.” The culture, and in some quadrants of the church today, is trying to cut itself off from its Christian roots and it is reverting to a new barbarism.

As we enter 2024 and seek to invest our lives for the glory of God, we must realize that all of the present cultural corruptions have continuously confronted the church in the past and will likely continue in the future. However, as Howard Hendricks said, "The greatest threat to Christianity is not Communism or Marxism or even Atheism, it is Christians trying to sneak into heaven incognito.”

Serving Him with you

Until He comes for us.
