There is much wisdom from Mrs. Graham. I imagine she said this to her husband, Billy Graham, during one of those days when he was preaching about the end times, and she needed a break. LOL
However, much of the Bible speaks of the prophetic future and our headline news has caused many to ask searching and penetrating questions that can only be answered by a correct understanding of the Bible.
- What is the Day of the Lord, the Great Tribulation, and are we in it now? (Mal 4:5; Jer 30:7; Dan 12;1; Rev 6:17; 2 Peter 3:13?)
- What is the Rapture, and will it occur before the Great Tribulation or after? (I Thess 4-5; Matt 24)
- Are we close to the Battle of Armageddon, and if so when is it and what is it? (Rev 16, 19) And who is this Gog guy and where is Magog? (Ezk 37-38)
The warning of Reinhold Niebuhr is true: “It is unwise for Christians to claim any knowledge of either the furniture of heaven or the temperature of hell, or to be too certain about any details of the kingdom of God in which history is consummated.” (The Nature and Destiny of Man, Vol. 2, p. 294)
Nevertheless, it is imperative that we as believers in the Lord Jesus search the inspired, infallible, and inerrant scriptures to be aware so we can beware. Remember what the Apostle Paul said, “Redeem the time for the days are evil."
Let me encourage you to make time to read, study, and absorb the sacred scriptures, for in them you shall see Him and know how you should then live.
Serving Him with you Until He comes for us. Fred |