This week we have seen and smelled our culture being cooked and the smell is not good. In many states we have witnessed the people’s preference evidenced through a vote for propositions and for politicians that pontificate and propagate so as to proliferate abortion on demand and its culture of death. We have seen the assertion and affirmation of LBGTQ+ “rights.” As Umberto Echo reminds us, “To undermine the false authority of an absurd proposition that offends reason, laughter can sometimes also be a suitable instrument.” Although this is no laughing matter, in the midst of this moral mess we are to maintain a faithful presence and a winsome witness. We are to be a fragrant aroma. In a lost and dying world that is corrupt and confused, we must provide and proclaim the only durable sign of hope; Our Savior…The Lord Jesus Christ.
Always remember: Votes matter but Veto power is the Lord’s!
Serving Him with you Until He comes for us. Fred |