Living the Christian life is like being a pilot of a plane; you are constantly adjusting to internal and external forces like a pilot who deals with forces of thrust, friction, drag, lift, and gravity. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you just might crash.
Fortunately, Christians have been given the owner’s manual and a guidance system to direct us in all kinds of conditions and turbulence experienced in our lives. - The Holy Scriptures have been given to us to guide and provide wisdom in the midst of life’s confusion and perplexities. (Psalm 119:11-12, 2 Timothy 3:16)
- The Holy Spirit indwells us to lead and comfort us in the midst of life’s complications and difficulties. (John 17, Ephesians 5:18)
This does not mean we simply go on “auto pilot” and cruise through life uninvolved or unresponsive. We are to actively submit to the Scripture to understand truth. We are to personally surrender to the Spirit’s leading as we respond to the vexing vicissitudes of life. The result will be a stable flight and a safe landing in the midst of a bumpy life. We shall make it safely home.
If a pilot turns off the guidance computer on the plane, the result is going to be problematic and the outcome all too predictable. Many Christians, in the midst of the turbulence and tragedies of life, refuse to submit to the Lord and the results are catastrophic. Serving Him with you until He comes for us, Fred |