The Best Way to Cultivate Humanity is to Study Divinity |
This just might explain our societal problem. Our humanity is uncultivated because we do not acknowledge or appreciate Divinity. Perhaps our social problem is actually a reflection of a spiritual problem. The apostle Paul seemed to think so. When you worship the creation rather than the Creator you are headed in the wrong direction. (Romans 1) It results in gender confusion, sexual corruption, and societal collapse. In the end, it results in a seared conscience and God giving you over to a depraved mind. And that leads to depraved actions. Enough said? How does one study Divinity? As Kevin Vanhoozer reminds us; “The Bible does not tell us everything we need to know about everything, rather it tells us everything we need to know about the one thing that puts everything else into proper perspective.” As a man thinks so he is. So, what would you expect to happen to a society when you remove the Bible from schools, from most homes, and from many churches? Distortion of mind, deconstruction of the heart, depression in the soul, depravity of the body, demise of the family, devastation of a people, and destruction of a culture. In a word - death and separation from God. History reminds us of how John Dewey tried to eliminate Christian values from the home through schools with a compulsory state-run educational system. (He even invaded the library!) The famous educator, Allan Bloom, cataloged in his book, “The Closing of the American Mind,” how modern education removed classical literature and the Bible from university education. E.D. Hirsch also demonstrated how the Bible has been eliminated and morality altered in children’s primary education. The Bible is a light and a lamp. In a dark world both are needed…in large quantities. Let me encourage you to cultivate your humanity by studying Divinity. Let me urge you, starting today…right now if you can; read the sacred scriptures. And remember as Merrill Tenney reminds us: This Book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this Book. Serving Him with you until He comes for us, Fred |