“Life is but a walking shadow…It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” ~Macbeth~ |
If you ever wondered how a worldview impacts your thinking just read Shakespeare. Atheism leaves no room for hope beyond the visible. It is the world of naturalism and nothing more. There is no supernatural world. It is only the world of B.F. Skinner where man is beyond the reach of freedom and dignity. Man is the same as a rat or a radish. All is material and nothing more. If all we are is protoplasm one day to become manure, then your view of life and of people is very myopic. Atheism has terrifying consequences. On the one hand it is the abolition of man and on the other hand it is the ascendance of man to be the measure of all things. It results in a canceled culture because it is the cancelation of God. Think here of the thinking of Putin today or of Stalin in the last century. Make no mistake - ideas have consequences. Theism is a different world view and biblical theism is the great and grand meta-narrative, it is the panoramic paradigm that displays reality and reveals the divine nature. As Christians, we live in a Theo-centric world, a Christo-centric world, not an Anthro-centric world. We live for the Glory of God. We live to manifest His Glory and to ascribe to Him the glory due His name. So, how do saints live in a secular age? How do moral men live in an immoral world? How shall we then live? With holy conduct and a heavenly outlook. The men of Issachar understood the times and knew what to do. Serving Him with you until He comes for us, Fred |