Is Christmas Just a Kids Thing? |
They say Christmas is for young children and not for old people. Well, I used to be a child and now I am… a bit older. The truth is that Christmas is for everyone. That is because everyone needs the gift of eternal life. At Christmas we realize that all that we need was to be found in a place where we would not expect to find anything. In a dirty, smelly stable is where we find the King of kings and Lord of Lords. And He came to that place so He could meet us, all of us. As Anselm reminds us- “Jesus did not come out of curiosity or personal need. The Father sent Him on an errand of mercy solely to accomplish our redemption.” I would never do that. I would never leave the comfort of heaven and perfect fellowship with the Father and the Spirit to come to earth to die for me. But that is what happened, and as Spurgeon reminds us, “The Infinite became an Infant. The Creator became a Creature. God was in a Cradle.” This Christmas, whether you are young or old, and in spite of the busyness that seems to crowd around us during this time of celebration, make sure you make some time to remember the mysteriously wonderful words of Syd McCauley; "He who was infinite became finite so that we who were finite might become infinite." Serving Him with you until He comes for us, Fred |