March 5, 2021
Jesus, The Great Communicator |
It has always intrigued me that Jesus interacted with so many different types of people. Nicodemus was a religious leader of the Jews who had high moral character and was a social and political insider. The woman at the well was a Samaritan and a social outsider. The nobleman, whose son was sick, was a powerful man and perhaps a Gentile leader. The lame man at the pool was a poor beggar and of course, the “woman caught in adultery” was the epitome of evil. (John 3-5,8) Jesus had the social skill and spiritual sensitivity to involve and engage Himself with all kinds of people. But no matter how socially different, spiritually distinct, or morally differentiated the people were, His message was one of spectacular singularity. His Father loved all of these people and Jesus had come to tell them. (John 3:16) As Saint Anselm reminds us, Jesus did not come out of curiosity or out of any personal need. He came on an errand of mercy solely to accomplish our redemption. We live today in a polarized world of sociological insiders and outsiders. We live today among those who are morally high or low, of those who are financially rich or poor. The distinction and differentiation have never been more diversified and divisive. But regardless of morality, sociology, or nationality, God loves them all and Jesus wants to tell them. In fact, Jesus wants us to tell them. Serving Him with you until He comes for us, Fred |