December 4, 2020
We can endure neither our vices nor the remedies needed to cure them. Livy, Roman Historian |
Life is a balancing act and so is living the Christian life. It is a balance between my dependence on God and the discipline of myself. When our focus is directed more on our self than the savior we are headed for trouble. Pride is disastrous in the Christian life! The church at Laodicea (modern day Turkey) in the first century, unfortunately focused on their own accomplishments, their strengths & abilities, and their wealth & power. They did this to such a degree that Jesus himself rebuked them and invited them to repent. In fact, He invited them to invite Him inside their church (it is actually His church) to repair a fractured fellowship with their Lord. (See Rev. 3:14-22) The church had engaged in such a high degree of self-sufficiency that it excluded Jesus from their fellowship. Talk about irony and idiocy! I fear that sometimes we can get so caught up in our own abilities and focus on our own capabilities that we neglect to realize that in our own hubris we have closed the door on the Lord’s leading in our lives. The Lord was knocking on the door of the church at Laodicea, asking to come in that He might fellowship with His people. Is someone at your door? Serving Him with you Until He comes for us, Fred Chay |