November 6, 2020
Those Who Vote Decide Nothing. Those Who Count Votes Determine Everything -Joseph Stalin- |
After the counting of votes, regardless of which person or party wins the presidential and senatorial elections, the way forward may require us to go back. Back to basics. Back to first principles. Back to first things. Back to our first love. It has historically been difficult to be a citizen of Heaven and also live on the earth. Dual citizenship is often problematic. The more freedom one has, the more responsibility one has. As Billy Graham said, “Bad politicians are elected by good people who do not vote.” It looks like the vote is almost in and being counted. It is important, but it is not ultimate. It does matter, but it does not matter most. As Goethe reminds us; “Things that matter least must never come about at the expense of things that matter most”. We must remember what matters most. Serving Him with you Until He comes for us, Fred Chay |