June 12, 2020

Sorrow Looks Back, Worry looks Around,
But Faith Looks Up
Adrian Rogers

It is very easy to get misdirected these days with so much “news” clamoring for my attention. It feels like everything, occurs everywhere, all the time. At times it feels that I am being mugged by reality.

The famous question offered by Pilate, “What is truth?” is echoed today by its twin, “What is Real?” Truth and reality go together for those of us who hold to the correspondence theory of truth because truth corresponds to reality. If that were not true, then what is real?

Surreal best describes the days that we are encountering. We live under the attack of the killer Covid. We live in a culture of crazed and craven leaders and brazen criminals - and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. We live in a word without trust. For some, it is the Police and for others it is Politicians. For some, it has always been and will always be an issue of identity - Racism. For others, it is and always will be Money.  

In all of this, vision is vital. Where are you looking? How do you see? What do you see? Who do you see? Our world needs to see Jesus. They need to see Him in Us in the midst of Covid,  in the midst of racial riots, and in the midst of economic uncertainty.

We need to see, as Jesus did from the Cross as He gazed upon those who hated Him and killed Him, and be able to comprehend the love that could pray, “Father,  Forgive them for they know not what they are doing”.

You’ve got to “Look Up” to pray that prayer.

Serving Him with you
Until He comes for us,

Fred Chay