Warped Arguments Wrapped in Authority
As Victor Davis Hansen reminds us, "On occasion, yesterday's certainty is today's skepticism and tomorrow's ridiculousness." This is an example of Warped Arguments Wrapped in Authority, and it occurs both in sociology and theology.
We have been watching this played out sociologically in our understanding of virology and economics. The experts are often wrong. The authoritative arguments driven by faulty models or potential personal profitability can lead to bad endings.
In our theology we also can be taken captive by voices of authority articulating warped arguments. This is made more pronounced in times of fear when we are looking for a word of safety and a word of comfort.
What we are looking for and what we need is a divine word. And that is the answer! We do not need the plethora of words offered by professionals, helpful and enjoyable as they might be. We need the personal intake of the very word of God and an encounter with the God of His word. We need close, direct contact. This is not a time to practice social distancing. We must be close enough to catch the real disease.
In the midst of your new quarantined life and perhaps even after, might I suggest you make a new standard for living concerning your reading of the Bible - the authoritative word of God.
I think you might find some interesting answers for both viral outbreaks and economic downturns and how the Lord desires us to respond to each.
Serving Him with you
Until He comes for us,