An added bonus was that I was allowed to remain in the gallery to listen to the oral arguments for cases involving the issues of employment discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity. You might have seen it on the news this week. I was there with the press corps and other interested parties who filled the gallery and we were front and center to arguments of legal and historical significance.
As we approached the Supreme Court building, we were detoured due to the massive group of protesters outside, which included many who were transgender. After entering the building through two security check-points, it was fascinating to watch the lawyers make their oral arguments or try as the Justices frequently interrupted them and asked probing legal and morally laced questions while citing a variety of legal case precedents.
The building itself is magnificent; to get to the front doors of the building, you must climb dozens of large stairs that are only interspersed with large marble platforms. Once to the top, numerous large pillars serve as the gateway to the door. This design and architecture were purposefully done so that the Supreme Court appeared above and set back from the rest of the political landscape that surrounds it (both metaphorically and physically, as the Capitol Building is directly across from it). The Justices were equally impressive and intimidating as they sat behind their elevated bench in their pristine black robes with their aides scurrying around servicing them while the police and secret service were conspicuously placing themselves throughout the gallery ready for any event.
The occasion was very momentous and memorable. But it caused me to take pause and realize that as impressive and important as the Supreme Court of the United States of America is and as influential are the Capitol and White House; nothing compares to the most exalted Judge and the coming judgment at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:9-10; Rom. 14:10) where each of us will give an oral defense of the life we have lived and how we invested it for Jesus. He will adjudicate our case and He will render a perfectly fair and accurate judgment.
The Judgment Seat of Christ, the Bema Seat, has nothing to do with getting into Heaven. Eternal life is free for all who ask to receive the free gift of eternal life. (John 3:15-16, 5:24; Eph. 2:8-9)
The gift of eternal life is based on His giving His life for us. The Bema Seat is an evaluation of our life's work, the giving of our life for Him. (Eph. 2:10) This event marks the difference between our eternal security and our eternal significance.
It is easy to be, and we should be, impressed by our Supreme Court. But never forget that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the coming King who shall judge the world and who shall rule and reign forever. If this is true, we should hear the words of scripture and heed the instruction of the Apostle Peter:
And if you address as Father, the One who impartially judges according to each
man's work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay upon earth.
1 Peter 1:17