Live With The End In Mind
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It is the end of a year and that allows us to look backward
in evaluation but also to look forward in anticipation. One of the great
freedoms the Lord Jesus has given us is the freedom to choose, to make choices
as to how we invest our lives.
We should desire to invest our
lives for significance. That presupposes we know what is truly significant and
actually important. I think J. I. Packer is correct as he opined "Once you
become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most
of life's problems fall into place of their own accord." Sage wisdom
How do you plan on knowing God
better this year?
I am sure there are some people
who might think privately but never state publicly; why...why should I get to
know God better this year? Let me give you two reasons. The first is summed up
in the Westminster Catechism that declares: "The chief end of man is to
glorify God and enjoy him forever." This precept is taken from Psalm
16:8-9 where David declares;"I have set the Lord always before me....
therefore my heart is glad." Paul put it this way, "That
I might know Him and the power of his resurrection." (Philippians
3:10) There is joy on earth Knowing the Lord.
The second reason is stated by the
apostle Paul as he gives us a glimpse of a significant theological truth that
contains a very important implication for life. "I make it my
ambition to be pleasing to Him for we must all stand before the judgment seat
of Christ that each man's work may be recompensed for what he has done in the
body whether for good or evil. "(2 Cor. 5:9-10, see also Ecclesiastes
12:14 for the same truth from the Old Testament) There is eternal joy in
eternity Knowing the Lord.
The new year is upon us.
Count the days and make the days
Right Now counts forever!
Serving Him with you
He comes for us,