From the Lives Around You
I'm sure like many of you; I have had the privilege of knowing
many wonderful, interesting and a few dangerous people over the years. Most of
them in one way or another provided an education for me about what it means to Trust
the Lord.
There were many who told me to trust and taught me to trust the
Lord. These were some wonderful teachers and mentors I have had over the years.
They instructed me from the scriptures how the people of God trusted in the
Lord in all kinds of situations.
A second group showed me how to trust the Lord. Many wise and wonderful people have shown me how to live and some have shown me how to die. Some also showed me how to live life today and finish life tomorrow They incarnated the truth of the scriptures for me to see.
A third group gave me opportunity to live out my Trust of the Lord. Unfortunately, I have had some Christians lie and deceive me and not keep their word. Difficult to be sure, but it also provided an opportunity for me to implement my trust in the Lord in the midst of a difficult situation.
My teachers instructed me about the truth and my mentors
incarnated the truth, but my enemies provided the opportunity to implement the
truth of trusting the Lord in the midst of a challenging circumstance.
Who is in your life? What are they teaching you?
What are you doing because of them?
Who are you in the life of others?
Serving Him with you
Until He comes for us,