September 7, 2018

The Last Temptation Is The Greatest Treason:
To Do The Right Deed For The Wrong Reason
T. S. Eliot

Now that is a brain teaser. But think about it. Eliot is simply asking us to think about the nature of our motivation. The nature of our actions has two components: what we do and why do we do it. Living the Christian life involves both actions and attitudes.

If you are like me sometimes you are not sure of your motives. My motivations are often a mixed bag! But you can be sure that the Lord knows our motives. The Apostle Paul realized that he was responsible to invest his life for significance. As such, he was able to make decisions as to how and with whom to invest his time, talent and treasure.

I think Paul lets us understand his thinking, his reasoning and his mindset for how and why he led his life the way he did. He reminds all of us what governed his decision making process: 
"I make it my ambition to be pleasing to Him. For we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body whether good or evil." (2 Corinthians 5:9-10)
This is the same viewpoint that the Apostle John revealed as he warned his readers:
"And now little children abide in Him so that when He appears we will not shrink back in shame at His coming but have confidence." ( I John 2:28)

Hear the words of King David and let them settle into your soul:
Search me O God, and know my heart; 
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
And see if there be any hurtful way in me, 
And lead me in the everlasting way.  
Psalm 130:23-24
Serving Him with you
Until He comes for us,